Frosty Spring morning

Frosty Spring morning

Monday, 24 February 2014

A long time between drinks

It’s been a long time between drinks – to speak metaphorically. 

On every front the nation we knew is under attack – not from some foreign invader, but the anti-bodies within that seem to be misreading the health of the nation and crying wolf.

One of my right leaning friends asked the other day what it is about our current leader that raises my hackles so – it made me think. There are a myriad of one off irritants that bite at my ankles.  Words have become entities of their own with no connection to my reality. There is a basic belief in politics that if you say something often enough it will become true. There is no future vision, no leadership, no original thought, no learning…need I go on.

 I feel like I am in a Dr Who episode where the human disguised space aliens are gradually eating me away while trying to tell me it is for my own  good.  

There is  a pervading atmosphere of toxic negativity bought about by the constant message that the economy is in trouble, we expect too much, we are under attack from invading Indonesian boats, that unions are evil – every part of our national fabric is being unravelled to re-knit the pullover into a good ole 1956 model.

And as a result probity, humanity, ethics and morality- if they ever existed within the hallowed Capital Hill walls - seem to be leaving the sinking ship. 

Look at the rhetoric:

Stop the boats

The whole catchcry focuses on the fear of being overrun by people who are ‘illegally’ arriving. Even Operation Sovereign Borders reeks of invasion. Occasionally there is a hint that this measure is to save drowning at sea, but essentially it includes no reference to the fact that desperate people, made more desperate often by our well intentioned interference in their county’s dilemmas (for right or wrong) need somewhere to be safe. Clearly  the death of Reza Barati on Manus Island should send a message to the human side of politicians that something is wrong with the policy – something absolutely wrong!

Governments don’t create jobs, business does.

Well, clearly that’s unfounded – who does the business bidding of government if not those people who are employed in their departments and who are all too dispensable when things do not go as politicians wish.

We don’t speak on matters of national security.

Clearly the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection should have headed his own advice before misleading the Australian parliament and people in regard to the Manus Island tragedy.

And in the meantime Transfield picks up an enhanced  contract for work on the island (no tender required); Craven and Donnelly score the Australian Curriculum Review (no tender required) and a myriad of other cronies fall in to line to head up reviews of unions, pink batts, and the next bright retro idea the PM lands on. Oh- that will be wages, conditions, welfare, health, education……………………. (add other areas here!)

What is all this for?

Budget surplus – the economic god factor.

And how does that work?

1.       Minister asks department to identify their costs for the coming 12 months
2.       Department provides costs
3.       Treasury halves the request
4.       Minister gets 2/3 of ½ of the original request
5.       Department allocated funds and expected to do all work identified in original request
6.       Minister requests 20 more things to be done to fulfil mad, ad hoc election promises (eg give every engaged couple $250)
7.       Department told to fulfil request ‘within budget’

Last night I watched Q&A. Apart from the ludicrous inference  from the Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development that young people could successfully negotiate individual working conditions on an equal footing with employers, there was some sunshine. 

 Clive Palmer’s response to the question of a young man about what more could governments do to address the problem of depression and mental ill health:

Paint a positive picture of future.

I hear cardinal Pell is moving to the Vatican to manage the budget. With his background and proclivity Tony would make a perfect right hand man. 

But, no. I recall being told that when Tony wanted to study for the priesthood he was rejected because the Catholic Church can only cope with one person at a time who thinks they are infallible.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No  No Art Work of the week – more importantly a link to the March in March website.