Frosty Spring morning

Frosty Spring morning

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

'Estatic' about 'Backed' egg tarts

I have frequently espoused the value of life-long learning, so here are some thoughts on a few little treasures gleaned over the past weekend.

 Let’s start with the Canberra Times:

I’ve discovered that Gina Rinehart is the biggest victim in the current law case being waged with her children. To quote: she had been so selfless that she could not retire or pour her billions into philanthropy. Oh that I was such a victim!

The Danish royals have had a bit of coverage as well and Saturday’s edition  cited: In a recent survey Danish people emerged as the happiest in the world. What is their secret? ‘a secure life’, said the princess,’ and a well developed social system: not many people fall through the net.

A bit of thought and learning there for the Tea party and its associated mad hatters I think

When anyone next suggests I am overweight I will endeavour to confuse them by saying it is my embonpoint. Perhaps they will think I have some dreaded disease and slink away to eat another lettuce leaf. I on the other hand will know it is my Rubanesque physique that is in question thanks to the weekend article on The rise of the brassiere.

In my attempt to find a synonym for some obscure cryptic crossword clue I can across phubbing- the habit of snubbing someone in favour of a mobile phone. The interesting bit of that was that I discovered the word had been coined on behalf of Macquarie Dictionary of Australia to promote a new edition and had been circulated through social media to see how long it took to be used in general.

My granddaughter is learning to drive And I’m learning a lot of stuff about roads and road use that I had either forgotten or never knew – like a blue reflector on the road indicates a fire-hydrant  nearby. All I now have to remember is to carry my fire hose with me whenever I am out and about and I will be ready for action. 

And there are some things you learn that just continue to cause despair:

  •  I know that locally we have a version of Chinese cooking that could hardly be called authentic, but Backed egg tarts – really? Get it right Canberra Times.
  • When did Guarantee become guaranty?  Answer: on the banner behind a well known pots and pans brand’s stall at Floriade. Spare me please.
  • I’m wondering if estacy is some form of diluted euphoria. If I believe the real insurance lady I will be estatic about what their life cover can deliver for me. Did no-one actually listen to the actor delivering the lines and pick up what she was saying?

Don’t get me started on nuclear.

Art Work of the week
You can see this hanging at the Tuggeranong Art Gallery at the Capital Chemist 2013 Art Awards.

Vapour Trails. Acrylic on canvas


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