So here’s this week’s joke. I get an email asking me to take
part in a survey. If I complete it I will earn $1. Ooh I wonder, what might I
spend my hard earned dollar on – maybe an onion or a carrot might be nice.
My answers to the first few questions will determine my eligibility.
I click my residential state, my age, my gender, and get to
question 4: What medical conditions do
you have?
I answer: None of the above.
Result: I am not eligible to take part in the survey.
And poof, there go my dreams of a fresh new vegetable.
In the meantime I watched the presidential public forum broadcast between Krudd and Blabbot until my eyeballs popped out and my brain exploded
through my ears, and I switched over to Spicks and Specks. At least the answers
there were fun and entertaining – as were the questions. And there was no wavy
line that went predictably up and down to record whether I liked what I was
hearing regardless of whether anyone was actually speaking at the time - or
what they said.
I am still befuddled by how you can promise to create more
jobs while announcing you will take your trusty little hatchet to the public
service where real people, do daily grind, at
the behest of politicians and managers with ever-changing new vision
and are now told thanks for nothing, you’re just a bludger, and join the dole queue. Should have got a job
at the Cadbury factory.
Equally I wonder if I will get my relationship voucher, given I am not engaged, married, one of a gay couple or in a de facto
relationship. And if I do get it, will it pay my rego to a Hash House Harrier
event where all my worries fade away with a bit of dribbly conversation, a glass of bubbles, and a
load of sheep dung?
At least the magpies are firing at the moment.
Art Work of the Week
Go you Pie boys!
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Tea with Daisy |