Frosty Spring morning

Frosty Spring morning

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Guest Blog – One week in

Well, it’s one week into the campaign, and I must say, as a vital to the outcome of the election, Greenway voter, the list of potential suitors to my door has been exactly zero.

Today, being a Saturday, I thought I would try my luck, north, south, east and west of the electorate. 

A trip to Kellyville, in the north, whilst providing the opportunity to view a lot of snakes, none were unfortunately of the political variety. There was no advertising for candidates along the track either, so we returned south to our starting point: one to ensure we were home for a possible Saturday door knock, and two, to hang out a load of washing. Killing one bird with one stone, and the pollie score still zero, we headed west. To the local innkeepers establishment, home of the western suburbs working class man, surely a fertile ground to rub flesh with a Mr Diaz or Ms Rowland whist I peruse the fine wine aisle. 

But no, so back to the start we headed once more. This again, gave us the opportunity to maximise our chance encounter with a door-knock party, but neigh, again the only idea to go up the flagpole that morning was the washing. 

So head south we did, and this time, out of the electorate, into another. This time, we did encounter a local group at the shops. But it was actually hard to tell if they were in campaign mode or just doing laps of the food court looking for a seat, which they did not find, so they promptly left – a bit odd really, a blue shirted army going around and around in circles.

So, inspired once more to maximise the opportunity to have my vote count, to be heard and have my wishes taken to the parliament, we went home.

Nothing, nada, zip.

So, lets examine the letterbox. So far one flyer from a certain Mr Diaz, and one letter dressed up as an official postal vote application which is really a letter from Mr Abbot. Mind you, the timing was impeccable, it arrived on the Monday, exactly one day after Mr Rudd called the election. He must have known an election was going to be called. That has promptly been returned to sender.

Nothing so far from my current member and she hasn’t replied to my tweet about who is her favourite footy team, so minus points there. I even gave her a hint, mentioning that I’d like to see the Bears back in the competition...

I have one new twitter follower, the local greens candidate, but he doesn’t say anything.

Clive Palmer wont reply to any of my tweets and hasn’t responded to my latest request to host one of his giant dinosaurs in my front yard in return for advertising his local candidate. He hasn’t replied to my tweet either asking who his local candidate is going to be, nor will he send me a sticker for my car. I am beginning to think he is ignoring my tweets.

So at the end of week one, I’m not feeling that valuable to the major parties, so I think next week I might investigate the minor parties – you know, power to the people and all that.

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