Frosty Spring morning

Frosty Spring morning

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Pick me, Pick me

I’ve been trying to avoid yet another post about the election. But it just won’t go away.

This week I’m over:

Paid parental leave
Nice idea, but apart from the equity argument, it risks setting up work environments that will actively discriminate against employing fertile young women. Why is nobody talking about this?  Is this political correctness gone awry, and yet another one of those large, four legged, leathery, grey objects we don’t mention?

The Daily Telegraph
But I’ve been over them for years so that’s nothing new. I don’t read it, I don’t buy it. I recognised in the early 80’s when they absolutely unfairly demonised Mount Druitt High School that it was and continues to be a suitable wrapper for food scraps and wet plant cuttings and that’s about it. I just can’t avoid it’s inanity being covered by the ABC and The Project.

I can’t believe he has his little garden staked signs peppering the Monaro Highway, Athlon Drive, the Parkway etc, when he went to the ACT election vowing and declaring he would work for  four years for the southern valley of Canberra and lasted for the blink of an eye before ripping the carpet from a long standing and respected senator, donning his fez and flying off for much greener pastures.  And if that’s not enough, the original signs which were formatted similarly to other candidates have popped up babies that simply say ZED. What more to say?

But at least we are getting some light moments:

I haven’t spotted, but I have had described, that beside the signs in Tuggeranong is: Vote1 (insert name of restaurant) with the slogan: Left wing, Right wing, chicken wing.  

And the youtube insights into the inner sanctum of Parliament house with its undie ironing, and  lasso twirling was a hoot. Go Bobbie and Robbie - or should that be Bobbie and Laurie- now I'm showing my age.

I do need to report that still, nobody has polled me. You would think that with all the polling that is being reported on a daily basis I should have fluked at least one call – even the random generator doesn’t value my opinion. However, if I believe my blog statistic counter on Google there are heaps of you in Russia and Latvia who do. Thanks.

This week's Art Work
One for the Russians
Tea at St Basil's

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