Frosty Spring morning

Frosty Spring morning

Sunday 5 January 2014

What's natural about the natural order?

I started life as a teacher of English and History. One of the first classes I taught was feudal history to Year 8 students and I clearly remember the order of society was on the syllabus.  We learnt about  ‘a society based on status and prestige, a society based on the division of orders according to one's function -- those who work, those who fight and those who pray. ’ ( and looked upon this as the natural order.

My students in early settlement Mount Druitt loved building castles and learning about the warfare, but even in their government relocated status, were really not that connected to believing that if their parent was a garbo, so would they have been expected to be, because that was how god wanted it .

I’m frequently jolted into understanding that what I take as normal in the world is often not so – there seems to have been a lot of sudden bumping against other people’s reality of late. 

Not the least of which has been the world of Cory Bernardi and his notion of ‘natural order’.

Julia Gillard tried to warn against the anti abortion lobby rising like a phoenix under the conservative old school tie. Who would have predicted it would stick up its Medusa head quite so soon.

One of the things this particular political strain is good at is language and rhetoric. Bernardi’s reference to pro-choicers as ‘pro-death’ and abortion as the ‘death industry’ leave no doubt that he has achieved his aim that he is : ‘not going to hide behind ambiguous words’ (ABC Interview 


No indeed. 

Highly charged, emotive, provocative, offensive language?

Hell yes!

I’ve listened to him railing about his right to speak out against political correctness claiming it stifles debate. Yet for mine he lambasts political correctness so as he may proffer intolerant, discourteous, unkind, bigoted, inconsiderate, faith based ideology that masquerades as the ‘natural order’. 

I suggest, dear senator,  that you do a bit of Googling to see what the natural order actually consists of.

Having not insulted enough of the population he takes on single families, same sex relationships, green philosophy and Islam claiming:

“You can't tamper with tradition and not expect there to be adverse consequences.”

Mmmm does that mean that traditions like child abuse; female genital mutilation, stoning of adulterers; infanticide should be left alone? 

You can’t have it both ways Father Bernadi.

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