Frosty Spring morning

Frosty Spring morning

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Never too old to learn

Never too old to learn

I’m amazed how much you can learn from television. I’m in the middle of a very detailed drawing that it taking years (or so it seems) to complete. I have the TV on for background noise. Normally I don’t turn it on before midday, but I did today, and boy, what have I been missing.

Today I’ve learned that my hair will prematurely age if I don’t use the right products. 

Now I have recently listened to the science show on Radio National (or the more cool RN if you will) and there is some scientific argument that says as parts of the body are formed and born milliseconds before others, we are not the same age all over…interesting thought, but not what I think my TV hairstylist was trying to demonstrate.

In addition, I have seen the Hoover vacuum salesman that came to our door when I was a child. With a houseproud mother who swept the yard, inspecting  the contents of the vacuum bag after it had been over the apparently cleaned floor was just too much to bear. We ordered immediately. Today I can buy a Shark mop which steam cleans everything – using both sides no less-  wiping away any vestige or wear, tear, dirt and grime- I wonder how it would go on my face?

Instead of the dirt being tipped out on to paper to prove how much stuff it removes, in the new techno age you shine an  ultra violet light and it shows the left behinds as little blue sparkly bits.  I’m amazed I have not died of some residual bug that has been living unnoticed in my floors and carpets forever.  

But the worst is that no matter what the product , the promoters are soooo excited and enthusiastic about it that it sounds as though the inventor has found a cure for poverty and famine.

I’m not going out (or ringing up) to buy any of this stuff. Is there something wrong with me?
 Today's Art work

This is not the picture I am currently working on, but it's an example of the style. 

Unfortunately this one went to God in an accident at the Canberra Outdoor Art Show earlier in the year.

It was a pen and ink drawing on paper (760 x 560mm)

1 comment:

  1. Think of all those people who are at work when those ads are on...they are missing this information and are clearly in GRAVE DANGER. Us stay-at-homers will be the only ones to survive the war on germs...


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